10 Ways To Improve Focus During Meditation
1) Concentrate Without Physical Tension
Several new mediators, in an effort to concentrate more deeply, tense the muscles in their body. Deep concentration, however, is feasible only in a state of relaxation.
2) Relax the Body
To develop concentration in meditation, you need to start by relaxing the body. A very impressive way to release stored-up bodily tension is to inhale and tense the entire body, and then release the tension as you exhale. Yogananda recommended tensing and relaxing, also the Regular Breathing Technique before meditation.
3) Pray Before You Meditate
This will support you remember why you are meditating! You will even be inviting the Divine, or your Higher Self, to support you in your practice.
4) Sit Perfectly Still
Moving your body the slightest amount sends power, or life-force, into the muscles. Since the motive of yoga is to draw your energy inward, any physical movement decreases your effort because it draws your energy and awareness into the body. To keep yourself from fidgeting while meditation, try thinking of your body as a rock — solid and un moving.
5) Sit Longer
Your restlessness will subside the longer you sit in the meditation. Also a glass of muddy water becomes clear in time, if the water is permitted to sit undisturbed.
6) Keep Your Eyes Gently Raised
The point between the eyebrows, or spiritual eye, is the seat of concentration in the body, and whenever we require to concentrate deeply, we automatically focus there. It is very advantageous to keep the eyes lifted, without strain, during meditation. If you do, you will notice an development in your concentration.
7) Focus on the Breath
Several yoga and meditation techniques emphasize the breath. These are great meditation methods for focus and concentration.
There is prana all around us and in the air we breathe that can be of terrific physical and spiritual benefit.
Here are a couple of helpful breathing techniques that support us to stay focused during meditation. Watching the breath even quiets the mind and emotions while meditating or just when we are sitting quietly.
8) Consciously Withdraw the Energy From the Body
Practice the Hong-Sau Meditation method ; it is one of the most sacred techniques of yoga due to its ability to interiorize and focus the mind.
9) To Develop Concentration, Do one Thing at a Time, and Do It Well!
When you really wish something, it is tough not to think about it! Concentrate with interest on whatever you do, and you will search yourself absorbed in it.
10) Pray for Concentration and Devotion
Sincerity means having the help of one’s whole being. Pray for sincerity of try in your meditation practice!
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