
High Cortisol Levels Could Be Causing You Stress: Fix This At House

High Cortisol Levels Could Be Causing You Stress: Fix This At House


Eat Foods Wealthy In Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids are nice for lowering cortisol. People with less levels of these fatty acids have higher cortisol levels. When they improve their omega-3 intake, their levels of this stress hormone tend to fall. Fatty fish like  mackerel and salmon, also  flaxseeds and walnuts, are high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Add Foods With a Vitamin C

Vitamin C, even known as ascorbic acid, is an antioxidant that saves the body from the damaging effects of oxidative stress. Vitamin C has been shown to support regulate heart rate and blood pressure moreover to lowering anxiety levels. Contain oranges and broccoli in your diet. Oranges are high in vitamin C also potassium, folate and calcium. This citrus fruit even has anti-inflammatory properties and is good for your heart. Broccoli can support reduce oxidative stress. This green vegetable includes folate moreover to vitamin C.

Add Fermented Foods

Fermentation can support boost the antioxidant properties of several foods. Antioxidants, in turn, can decrease oxidative stress in the body, increase immune function, and also contribute to healthy longevity. Eating fermented foods and foods high in antioxidants can support with stress levels in a variety of ways. Yoghurt includes probiotics and good bacteria that improve gut health and decrease stress and anxiety. Probiotic yoghurt can increase antioxidant status in type 2 diabetes patients. Naturally fermented kefir includes a high concentration of beneficial bacteria, which increases gut health, reduces anxiety, decreases stress, and might protect against inflammation.

Include Herbal Tea

L-theanine is a stress-relieving nutrient found in herbal teas like chamomile and peppermint. It is an amino acid that encourages relaxation by assisting brain chemicals that reduce anxiety. It is even found in green tea, where it works with caffeine to increase concentration. It can counteract the stimulant or anxiety effect of caffeine in a green tea.

Add Protein-Rich Foods

Protein is require to maintain a healthy blood sugar level. This is significant due to adrenaline can cause the body to absorb more sugar for energy during stressful situations. Protein-wealthy foods contain turkey, chicken, eggs, almonds and quinoa. A protein powder that you can simply add to a smoothie is another fantastic source of the protein.

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