
Damini Lightning Alert App

Damini Lightning Alert App

Damini Lightning apps is developed by IITM-Pune and ESSO.

Damini Lightning Alert application is for giving warning to the user about the lightning on the basis of user location. User can view Lightning which occurred in last 5 min, 10 min & 15 min on the map.

The apps is monitoring all lightning activity which are happening in specifically for all india.

and alert you if lightning is happening near you by GPS notification. under 20KM and 40KM.

Details description of instruction, precautions is provided in apps while in lightning prone area. Does and Don't for in specific situation is strictly followed when lightning happen near you for your safety purpose.

Lightning Risk Reduction When Outdoors

In a Forest:-

Seek Shelter in a low area under a thick growth of small trees.

In an open area:-

Go to a low place such as a ravine or valley.Be alert for flash foods.

On open water:-

Get to land and find shelter immediately.

If Lightning Strike

If lightning strikes you or someone you know,call for medical assistance as soon as possible.The following are things you should check when you attempt to give aid to a victime of lightning:

Breathing -

If breathing has stopped,begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

Heartbeat -

If the heart has stopped,administer CPR.


If the vivtime has a pulse and is breathing,look for other possible injuries.Check for burns where the lightning entered and left the body.Also be alert for nervous system damage,broken bones and loss of hearing and eyesight.

Some basic Do's and Don'ts during thunderstorm


1. If you’re outdoors, seek shelter from lightning! Buildings are best for shelter, but if no buildings are available, you can find protection in a cave, ditch, or a canyon. Trees are not good cover! Tall trees attract lightning.

2. If you can't find shelter, avoid the tallest object in the area. If only isolated trees are nearby, your best protection is to crouch in the open, keeping twice as far away from isolated trees as the trees are high.


3. Stay or go indoor! If you hear thunder, don't go outside unless absolutely necessary. Remember, by counting the seconds between the flash and the thunder and dividing by 3, you can estimate your distance from the strike (in km).


4. Stay away from anything that could conduct electricity. This includes fireplaces, radiators, stoves, metal pipes, sinks, and phones. Thunderstorm activity is maximum.

5. Get out of the water. This includes getting off small boats on the water.

6. When you feel electric charge- If your hair stands up or your skin starts to tingle, lightning may be about be strike you. Drop to the ground immediately.


1. Don't use any plug-in electrical appliances like hairdryers, electric toothbrushes or electric razors. If lightning strikes your house, they can connect the charge to you.

2. Don’t use the telephone during the storm. Lightning may strike the telephone lines outside.

3. Don't use metal objects outside.

Detailed lightning Safety Tips

1. The SAFEST location during lightning activity is a large enclosed building, not a picnic shelter or shed. The second safest location is an enclosed metal vehicle, car, truck; van, etc., but NOT a convertible, bike or other topless or soft top vehicle. A safe building is one that is fully enclosed with a root walls, and floor, such as a home, school, office building or a shopping center.


2. A safe vehicle is a hard-topped car, SUV, minivan, bus, tractor, etc. {soft-topped convertibles are not safe). If you seek shelter in your vehicle, make sure all doors are closed, and window scrolled up. Do not touch any metal surfaces.


3. Seek safe shelter when you first hear thunder, see dark, threatening clouds developing over head or lightning.

4. Do NOT seek shelter under tall isolated trees. The tree may help you stay dry but will significantly increase your risk of being struck by lightning. Rain will not kill you, but the lightning can!

5. Do NOT seek shelter under partially enclosed buildings.

If you absolutely cannot get to a safe building or vehicle, here are some last resort choices:

1. Wait out the storm below an overpass. DO NOT touch steel girders. Move away from your bike. Remain on dry surfaces if possible. Overpasses are engineered structures and are likely to be properly grounded. Although an overpass is likely to be higher than the surrounding landscape, if it is struck by lightning, the electrical current will likely be channeled safely into the ground.

2. Look for a bridge. Stay away from water. Stay away from any metal surfaces. Be alert for rapidly rising water if under a bridge.

3. High tension wires: If high voltage electrical tension wires cross the road, you may want to seek shelter directly underneath these wires. Do not get too close to the large metal towers which holdup these wires. Stay at least 50 feet away. Electric companies design these high-tension wires for lightning strikes. If lighting should strike the wires or towers, the current is designed to safely go deep into the ground. Source plz read Instruction in this app

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