
5 Floral Extracts That Are Gold Potions For Your Skin And Hair

5 Floral Extracts That Are Gold Potions For Your Skin And Hair



The iconic gulaab jal a.k.a rose water has been a portion of the Indian beauty traditions since ions now. Today, premiumly marketed as Pure Distilled Rose Water, the ingredient is presented in the form of facial sprays and in moisturisers and face masks. Moreover lending a gorgeous scent, rose is highly good  for the skin—it brightens, softens and repairs the skin. With vitamin A and C, rose – both oil and water – can even generate cells supporting ageing skin figure things better.


This isn’t just another a pretty-looking pink flower. It’s a power-packed flower that can do so much for your skin that has been injured amidst all the city pollution. From skin stress to pigmentation, dryness, lacklusterness and dryness, trust the humble flower to support you out. You can look for toners, serums and moisturisers fulled with the extract.


The yellow flower is great for all skin kinds —sensitive skin in particular. I wrote about the flower and its advantages in detail here; however, to sum up the greatness by highlighting its key advantages , I can say that it’s packed with excellent healing properties that can relieve the skin from a parched state and decrease signs of irritation. 


The flower’s hue goes by its name but what’s more interesting is that it can calm you unlike anything else. With calming properties, anything lavender-infused is perfect not only to create you feel better but even work upon your skin and hair. Its anti-microbial properties can keep germs away from the skin while its oil can even promote hair growth and keep the scalp clean. The great part? The heavenly scent.  


Generally spotted in sundry hair care products, hibiscus or Gudhal ka Phool can be quite the deal for a your skin too. Not only does it encourage luscious and glossy hair but it even increases collagen production. Do you know, hibiscus is even called ‘the botox plant’, thanks to a its skin tightening and firming properties that can be leveraged for an anti-ageing purposes.

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