
Do kidney stones always cause back pain? Let’s find out

Do kidney stones always cause back pain? Let’s find out

5 myths around kidney stones

1. Myth: Restricting calcium, such as avoiding milk in the diet, will prevent kidney stone formation

Fact: Dietary calcium intake at normal levels, is a Defensive factor against kidney stone formation. Hence, milk or milk product intake,in moderation, is suggested. Restricting calcium directs to bone de-mineralisation and raised oxalate absorption resulting in stone formation.

2. Myth: Kidney stones ever  present with back pain

Fact: Kidney stones inside the kidney are ever almost painless, unless they block the passage of urine by blocking the ureter and causing a

swelling of the kidney because of  the back pressure. That is when most people complain of grave pain with nausea or vomiting. Occasionally, blood in the urine and burning in the urine are even symptoms.

3. Myth: Barley water and cranberry juice will flush out a kidney stones

Fact: Cranberry juice is suggested more often in the case of urinary tract infections as an aid to detain infection. It does not support with stones. There is no particular evidence towards barley water for stone prevention or clearance. Motive to drink at least 2.5 to 3 litres of fluids a day – whatever those fluids may be – to keep the kidneys flushed out and the concentration of stone-forming salts lower. In fact, lemon juice and citrus beverages which include citrate, which can minimise stone formation, are advised.

4. Myth: Medicines can dissolve most, if not all kidney stones

Fact: In a little percentage of patients, when the stones are composed of uric acid or cystine, medicines can be used to detain stones and in a lesser number – to dissolve stones. Most stones are formed of calcium oxalate or phosphate and cannot be thawed with medication. If little , they can be flushed out and if larger, they would need intervention.

5. Myth: Patients with kidney stones should not eat a tomatoes.

Fact: Tomatoes may be suggested against, if the potassium levels are high in the blood. Otherwise tomatoes and other seeded vegetables can be consumed in daily quantities. Constant and steady intake of fluids is key to ignore kidney stones.

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